Materials, Links
- Index
- New Material
- Materialis in English
- Literature search engine
- Booktips
- Internet links
CAS I (Derive, 92-)
CAS II (97/98)
CAS III (99/00)
CAS IV (01/02)
CAS V (03/04)
Medienvielfalt (05/06)
Gösing 1999
Inside ACDCA
Club documents
Further CAS-sources
Derive User Group
- What is Happening with CAS in Classrooms? - Example Austria, Josef Böhm, CAME 2007 (25.3.2007)
- Modelling with functioncs, Josef Böhm und Tania Koller, NCTM Regional Chicago 2005 (10.10.2006)
- Technology – Standards - Assessment, The influence of the use of Technology in Standards and Assessment, Helmut Heugl, NCTM conference - Anaheim 2005 (28.4.2005)
- The influence of technology in several roles of mathematics, ACDCA conference, Montreal 2004 (Helmut Heugl, 27.11.2004)
- DUG-Articles - Differential Equations with CAS / DERIVE, TI-CAS-Calculators (Josef Böhm, 26.6.2004)
- Articles - new regards of assessment in teaching with technology (Josef Böhm, 25.1.2004)
- assessment.htm (New forms of teaching provoke and require new forms of assessment)
- howtomake.htm (How to Make Traditional Tasks Technology Compatible)
- Via Arts to Maths - Arts as a ressource for mathematical reflections (Josef Böhm, 8.12.2003)
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions, bugs, tipps and cheats in handling the TI-89/92/Voyage200, Josef Böhm (Editor) (23.9.2002)
- New learning culture - work stations: Trigonometry Karin Kleinschuster (Editor) (18.2.2002)
- T3-material, Markus Paul - descriptive statistics and explorative data analysis on the TI-83/89/92+ (26.5.2002)
- MathPlayer, a free plugin for InternetExplorer (beginning with version 5.5).
- Mathematic formulas which have been integrated into the HTML-pages with the help of the standardized language MathML can now be shown clearly. At last there is a solution in sight on how to publish mathematic documents on the web without detouring via a wide range of graphics.
- Link: (17.5.2002)
- T3-material, Tania Koller and Josef Böhm - cross-curriculum applications of trigonometrical functions, revised version and an elaboration with emphasis on TI-83 added to the skript (16.5.2002)
- T3-material, Josef Böhm - financial mathematics on the TI-83/92 (4.5.2002)
- Successor of the TI-92+, the Voyage™ 200
- New learning culture - work stations, preparations for the A-levels (Matura) - differential calculus, trigonometry, vector calculations (9.2.2002)
Teaching materials
- Computer algebra systems (especially TI-92) in the Austrian Grammar School (grades 7-12).
Teaching examples, materials, exams and A-level exams in PDF-format
(Adobe Acrobat).
Literature / material on CAS on the internet and in literature
- Results of the examinations and material for the usage of Derive or TI-92 in Austria´s Grammar Schools.
- Statutes of the Club ACDCA (about ACDCA)
Further CAS-sources on this server
- DUG,
Derive User Group, material and reports about DERIVE and about the CAS calculators TI-89/92