Give it a Spin! |
Josef Böhm BHAK St.Pölten, T3 and DUG, Austria |
One of the MFAQ (= Most Frequent Asked Questions) after workshops or lectures on the usage of modern technologies like the TI-family, DERIVE, MS-EXCEL or others for maths education in Secondary Schools is how to find problems and tasks for exercises and assessment. Many of the more experienced teachers have a collection of problems of their own and it is very understandable that they don´t want to throw all their treasures away and start again like at the very begin of their career as a teacher. I was and still am in the same situation. My standard answer is: you don´t have to change everything, take your problem collection and try to achieve another point of view. Then in many cases you will be able to give the problems a spin into the right direction and thus they will adopt a new quality, focus on another aim as usual, open new insights or just let it read a bit uncommon. Please don´t expect results of a deep scientific research on that topic within the next short hour and don´t expect any classification of how to give "special spins". I am an ordinary school teacher on a Secondary College for Business Administration in St.Pölten, the capital town of Lower Austria. I also have been busy in in- and pre-service courses for teachers and give a lecture on the use of modern technologies in maths education on the Vienna Technical University. So you can imagine that I am very deep involved in the discussion mentioned above. On my school we teach mathematics for four years - age 16 - 19, and I decided to follow these four years and selected problems from my recently given written and oral examinations - unchanged for this presentation. I hope to give some insight into the daily work of a school teacher who has been using DERIVE and the TI since long. Most of the examples presented here are software independent. I choose the TI, because it prooved to be the easiest platform for presentations using the ViewScreen. When we start using
the PC or hand held technologies in maths education we have to make the
students accustomed to the machines as quick as possible. I do the same
what I did years ago with ordinary pocket calculators: evaluate more complicated
numerical expressions and learn them to differ between decimal digits
and significant digits. But now the students not only note the results
but also learn to compare the given problem with its output on the screen. |
By the way the students do not only practise linearizing the expressions, but also get accustomed with fraction powers for roots and floating point notation. Then we work with basics in algebra manipulations like working with fractions, binomials and polynomials, solving linear equations etc. I don´t ask my pupils to evaluate a fractional monster like the next one by hands - although we sometimes do it in class room - in an assessment, but they shall be able to edit this expression applying various strategies: |
One can try to do it in one step or the better choice might be to split the expression and first edit moduls to assemble them at last to obtain the result. | |||||||||||||||||||||
might help to check the conjectures, to factorize larger numbers. We can
see that there are problems which don´t have a unique solution. We also
can add problems which cannot have any solution. Students and teachers as
well mostly are fixed to have "the" solution. We should accept
that also mathematical problems modelling real life don´t have "the"
solution in each case. |
We´ll change to linear equations. Combine testing manual calculation skills with responding on new questions. |
Plenty of new - very mathematical, and not too easy to answer - questions are offered only by inspecting the CAS´ output. Let´s make more use of this new possibilities. See also the next
example how to combine |
I don´t know your experience, but in my teacher´s career not learning but applying the power rules is one of the major problems for the students. It is no problem to use also the support of a CAS to train these basics: See an example from a "Basics´ Test" given in my project class where we differed between basics- and problem solving tests. |
Sometimes the calculator´s results are looking very strange and so it is not necessary to forbid its use: Collect the result and write it down without use of any denominator: |
I don´t want to present here one more model for a growth or decay function, but working with logarithms only can be interesting enough: | |||||||||||||||||||||
We should take the chance and force our students to enhance graphical and numerical methods and make these two methods partners of analytical methods with equal rights. |
At a test I gave the following simultaneous equations and expected the students to apply any one of the well known methods to solve the system or to calculate the system´s determinant after having brougth the variables into the right order. I had a nice surprise during the test: | |||||||||||||||||||||
A female student put the variables into the correct order and immediately noted (-3,2) and (1,1) as answer for the second question. I was surprised and asked her how she had got the answers. She explained: |
Take equation 1: for a = -3 and b = 2 one gets 0 = -3, which is obviously false and one gets another false statement form equation 2 for a = 1 and b = 1: 0 = 1. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Trig equations sometimes need some tricky manipulations. Why not solve them graphically (or numerically using tables): | |||||||||||||||||||||
Working with polynomial functions is daily work in school. Let´s try again a graphic approach: | |||||||||||||||||||||
or another one: | |||||||||||||||||||||
The idea to problems like the next one came on one late evening when I prepared a test for my third form. We had repeated and extended the formulae for 2D- and 3D objects and this was part of the test. Next morning I showed this problem to my colleague and she really doubted if the pupils would be able to solve a problem like this having never seen before a similar one: | |||||||||||||||||||||
So I was very curious about the "success", and it worked. Surprisingly the weakest pupil was the first one to have the "correct" solution. Why "correct" under quotes? Look carefully! During the test one pupil raised her hand: "Sir, I think that there is something wrong! I am sure that this problem deals with a cone, but in the edit line under the root must be the expression for the cone´s height, given by the sideline 12 and the radius. The application of Pythagoras´ Theorem seems to be wrong!". And indeed, as I mentioned before, I set up the test in the late evening and I made a mistake. Three out of 18 pupils found this mistake ................... and earnt an extra credit. |
The task sounded very clear: Tell the story of this business! |
Back to geometry! | |||||||||||||||||||||
The pupils prepared an electronic collection of formulae on their TI-92 and were allowed to use it. It was very interesting for me to compare the various methods which appeared in the papers of the pupils by solving the next - very easy - problem. | |||||||||||||||||||||
were solutions which were completely performed by hands, using the TI-92
only as an old fashioned pocket calculator. Then some used the formulae
together with the | - operator for substituting the variables. And fortunately
enough there were also some who made use of the function´s concept which
I hoped them to acquire: |
solve(5*sh_v(3.17)=cyl_v(6.34,l),l) |
In my opinion they not only worked with self provided tools, like the others - that is one aspect - but they also gave this easy problem a new quality in transforming the text into an equation using functions - with more than one variable! I tried to deepen this point of view in some other examples successfully later on. | |||||||||||||||||||||
with trig functions in the traditional way (eg problems from surveying technology)
achieve a new quality very similar to the standard geometry problems by
preparing a toolbox - a Black Box - and applying the appropriate tools.
For solving oblique triangles we prepared four functions: |
sas(s1,a3,s2), asa(a1,s3,a2), ssa(s1,s2,a1) |
The students have to apply the right functions but also have to select which of the many partial results are important for the calculation. They are freed from boring calculations and solving equations emerging from sine- and cosine rule, but they carefully have to document the process how to reach the results. | |||||||||||||||||||||
We will head towards calculus: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Obviously this can be extended for investigating boundaries and limits. |
CAS and graphing calculators and programs like DERIVE opened a wide field to "investigate" functions not only in the traditional way (zeros, extremal values and inflection points ....) |
I have best experiences with "descriptions of pictures" with the pictures being graphs of sometimes a bit exotic and strange functions. The students appreciated this work. I have a table full with 60 such functions and each of the students has 5 randomly chosen functions to "describe" including a nice sketch of the graph and a summary of its special points, discontinuities, behaviours etc. In most cases it is not sufficient to only copy the graph from the screen, because eg. very often poles and jumps do not appear as poles and jumps. The screen´s resolution produces wrong connections of points and makes necessary an accurate investigation of limits. Scaling has to be adjusted etc. |
A section of this exotic functions table: | |||||||||||||||||||||
13. |
33. | ||||||||||||||||||||
14. |
34. | ||||||||||||||||||||
15. |
35. |
16. | 36. |
17. | 37. |
32. |
38. |
It is my opinion that we can disclaim sophisticated limits´ rules and make use of the CAS' implemented functions to demonstrate the various kinds of discontinuities: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Decide: which of the graphs is the function and which one is the derivative? Give reasons for your decision. |
You see the graph of function y(x). Add the graph of its continuous antiderivative, passing P(-3,-2). |
Then we have the wide field of "curve discussions". In summer term 2000 I had not time enough to cover this calculus application during the lessons. We very carefully had introduced and studied the concept of the derivative and I tried to change a math lesson into a test: | |||||||||||||||||||||
Or the other way round: find the function term of a 4th degree polynomial, knowing an inflection point at ...... You know all these problems, leading to a system of linear equations. I prefer presenting a graph and giving the task to find an approximating function. The students have to figure out suitable data, read off the numbers and compare their results with the given graph. Calculating is no problem any longer. (I´d like to remind many of you on Paul Drijvers´ ghost!) |
have different scales on x- and y-axis, ask to use only two or three points to force the students to consider the slope or any other attribute, too. Make it not too easy reading off the coordinates of sufficient points. Add poles and/or horizontal asymptotes. I can assure you that the students appreciate this type of problems. But I also must admit that grading the tests has become more difficult and time consuming as ever before. This is the function of the graph presented above: Eleonore Eisler,
a colleague from Tulln, Lower Austria and member of our project group
in investigating possible changes in assessment using technologies in
maths teaching gave the following task in the frame of a "problem
solving test" (following ideas from Hildegard Urban-Woldron, Lower
Austria): |
A cubic is given by the following screen shots. Try to find the cubic´s equation on three different ways and use at least three of the given figures. (Explain the figures). | |||||||||||||||||||||
like to finish with a very recent assessment example from my last end examination. |
Idea from (Calculus, Larson & Edwards, Houghton Mifflin 1999, ISBN 0-395-91683-6) [3] |
Two screen shots from a TI-89 to demonstrate, how the students used integ()[1],[2]. | |||||||||||||||||||||
In this case I gave a spin by using technology to extend the questions in a direction which would not be possible without. I disclaimed the difficult integration and was satisfied enough if the students were able to recognize and to apply the integration concept. They worked with a program after having shown, that they knew what the black box integ() could do for them. Then they were forced to use the graphing capabilities to find the answer for task e). By the way they also should show how to work with percentages. | |||||||||||||||||||||
me close giving some hints and tips how to "spin" your traditional
problems: |
This is the end of my presentation. I hope that it was not too unorganized. My idea and hope were and are to encourage you to explore the many traditional problems and tasks for giving them a major or minor spin, turning them round to receive new and sometimes challenging problems for students and teachers. | |||||||||||||||||||||
I repeat that the teachers´ job will become more difficult, but it also might become more satisfying observing how the use of technology - independent of the used soft- and hardware - could shift the aims, the competencies, the skills, the understanding and last but not least the students´ attitude towards mathematics. | |||||||||||||||||||||
[1] Einführung
des Integralbegriffs mit dem TI-92, J Böhm & W Pröpper, bk-teachware
SR-13 |