Elementarization and Modularization
It is obvious to use computeralgebra systems (CAS) as a calculating aid for dedicating tasks as solving equations, computing limits and derivatives, etc. to the computer. However, CAS can also be used for introducing new mathematical concepts, e.g., solving problems for changing rates by computing sequences of differences is much more elementary than using derivatives. So CAS are a valuable help for introducing and elementarizing new mathematical concepts. Using CAS students have the possibility to define functions in a very similar way as they were used in regular maths lessons or textbooks. So CAS are an important instrument for modularizing maths teaching. |
1. Introduction |
2. Elementarization |
Exponential functions |
Differentialquotient |
In traditional
maths courses most of the teachers do not use the definition for
differential quotients for solving problems. It is due to the difficulties
occuring by the computation of the limit. Instead of this it is easier to
find derivatives. However derivatives are not so illustrative as differential
quotients. Using CAS we can stepwise introduce the definition of differential quotients by generating and analyzing sequences of difference quotients. For solving problems we can use the definition above, because the computation of the limit is dedicated to the CAS. So the process of changing rates is always visual for the students. In the following we present an example for a stepwise introduction of differential quotients [ Aspetsberger 1997] treating the problem of velocity [ Finney, Thomas, Demana, Waits 1994] ). A rock is thrown straight up with a launch velocity of 64 m/sec. It reaches a height of s(t)=64t- 5t² m after t seconds.
After entering the definition for the height s(x) of the rock, where x denotes the time past since the shooting of the rock, the students can easily plot the graph of the function for a first inspection. For computing the average velocity of the rock for the first two seconds we enter the expression (see figure 1).
For determing
the instantaneous velocity after 2 seconds we compute the average velocity
for the time intervals [ 1;2] , [ 1.5;2] , [ 1.9;2]
and so on (see fig. 1). This can be managed easily by substituting in the
general formula for
z the starting values of the time intervals. The students can observe,
that the average velocities converge to 44. However, they cannot substitute
for z = 2. |
1: Generating sequences of difference quotients
For computing the limit of as z approaches 2 we use the command limit. At this stage the students have only an intuitive impression of limits, however we can use the TI-92 for computing the limit. We use the command limit as a black box, an exact definition is given afterwards (see for the black box principle [ HEUGL, KLINGER, LECHNER 1996] ).
Integrals |
Experiences | |||
the use of a CAS/TI-92 it is possible to solve problems in a very elementary
way and new mathematical concepts can be introduced stepwise. It is easier
for students to understand the meaning of a new concept when it is introduced
elementary. |
3. Modularization |
P(X=k) = pk(1-p)n-k |
occured that were quite difficult to be interpreted when using the variable
e instead of the special exponential function e [ Aspetsberger
1998b] . In general there is a new chance for functions to be accepted by the students. Using CAS or programmable pocket calculators functions can be seen as an aid for evaluations complicated expressions. In traditional maths courses the students have to evaluate these long expressions by hand by themselves and they do not see the advantages of the use of functions. It is also a step to sturctured problem solving. |
4. Experiences |
On the
TI-92 three different representation forms (algebraic, numeric and graphic)
are always available. So the students can solve a problem by computing tables
and searching for certain values or by plotting and analyzing graphs. Many
problems can be solved numerically with tables and the students do not need
to determine a closed form of the algebraic description of the problem.
The students have the possibility to choose a representation they like most
e.g. for solving problems, for illustration or to get an overview in a certain
situation. The permanent change of representation forms can be done by hand
too. However the simple realization on the TI-92 is essential for a practical
use [ Peschek 1998] . Experiments with students pointed out, that
students rather use tables and graphs than algebraic methods for solving
problems. The abstractness of expressions is a major handicap in traditional
maths courses when introducing new mathematical concepts. The CAS is able to handle all the computing problems. It is not neccessary to find tricky ways for solving problems. Introducing new concepts we can start with very elementary and - due to that reason - very illustrative methods. For instance, we solved most problems of calculus using the limit of the quotient of differences. Therefore my students got a better understanding of the concept of a differential quotient and of derivatives. The problem of computing the limits was dedicated to the computer. The possibility of recovering mathematical contents experimentally is very motivating for many students. The use of a computer gives many opportunities for experiments. However, experiments are quite time consuming and some students prefer traditional methods, because they are more convenient for them. Using a CAS or the TI-92 we did not save time in the maths courses. There may be two reasons. First we spent much more time for introducing new mathematical concepts. The students tried to solve starting problems with elementary methods to obtain a better understanding for the new type of problems being treated. Secondly, we did not train special transformation rules for e.g. calculus. However it took a lot of time to learn the special techniques being required for an intensive use of the different windows on the TI-92 (home, graph, table, etc.). The students defined many functions during three years. At the end of this time when the students have to apply all these functions to complex problems it was difficult for the students to remember the right name of the functions or to apply the functions to correct data types for the arguments. |
References |
[ Aspetsberger,
Fuchs 1996] [ Aspetsberger
1997] [ Aspetsberger
1998a] [ Aspetsberger
1998b] [ Buchberger 1989]
[ Finney, Thomas,
Demana, Waits 1994] [ Heugl, Klinger,
Lechner 1996] [ Heugl 1998]
[ Peschek 1998]
[ Schneider 1998]
[ Wurnig 1996]